Monday, April 19, 2010

The Best Reason to Keep your wedding dress

I planned to post today of my attempt to clean the oven and refrigerator. Instead I will have to post about a slightly more romantic thing; my wedding day.

For quite sometime now Lou-Lou has been asking me  "When you gonna  put on your big puffy dress and twirl with me mama". Usually i can come up with a good excuses but today i was out witted. The dress and the shoes were laid out and the invitation mandatory. There was no way i could refuse the little doe eyed girl and her equally "puffy" and "twirly"dress.  I sucked in as much as i could, wiggled it gently over my hips and thought for a moment that i would never get it zipped, but i did,although breathing was quite a task.  Lou-Lou assured me that i was going to be alright. She breathed in deeply as though she was going to blow out a hundred birthday candles, placed my hand upon her chest, and exhaled. "See mama you just do like that." Luckily the zipper was stronger than i thought and it made it through my burst of  laughter.
We thumbed through my  tiny wedding album and she was amazed by my cake, flowers,and how hansom her daddy looked. My eyes welled with tears. Our wedding had only three people in attendance, my husband, myself, and an odd little preacher. I loved this day for its simplicity and the dress was an afterthought. Who knew that five years later it would become the catalyst to sharing  our love story with our children.
Lou-Lou and i danced to my favorite Allen Jackson songs as Pemmie chased the hems of our twirling gowns. I wonted my husband to be there; I found him in Lou-Lou's smile.

Caine, thank you for marrying me at that little cabin in the woods, for thinking it was funny that i wore pink flip flops, for gently wiping my wedding day tears, and for loving every part of it just as i do.

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Anonymous said...

Baby, I would marry you a thousand times at that little cabin. Life gives and takes away daily, but noone can ever take away those beautiful memories. You had me almost at tears reading that post. I love you more than you could possibly imagine. I could never ask for a more perfect wife and mother to my children. I know I am not the easiest person in the world to life with, but you make it look like a piece of cake. (that if you cooked is probably a little

Karrie Slocum said...

I am wipin tears...You two are such a beautiful couple with 3 beautiful girls...and have created such a wonderful life....I am so proud and honored to call you my friends...and Rhonda go back to posting funny crap about you messing up stuff I can't handle all this sweetness!


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